Saturday, September 26, 2009

Fun with Dad

I asked J to return a CD to the library last weekend when I was working... so off he went with the kids. As he was getting closer to the library he saw the Champlin City Center was alive with activity! The firetrucks were out, police cars, jumping things for the kids, food- what more could a dad ask for when he's single-parenting?!
The kids became jr. fireman and policeman (very cool!), they jumped and jumped their hearts out, E got an ice cream cone painted on his face (boy, did he love that) and they went on a tour on the tractor.
The very boring errand that mom asked them to do turned out to be a great day of fun- plus a long nap time- which makes for a happy dad!
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1 comment:

Christal and Craig said...

well way to go Dad for taking pics too! How fun for them!