Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Prayer Answered!

This is the cutest story that Christal (Josiah's sister) told me today:

This morning Vallerie (the kid's oldest cousin- she's almost 4) wanted to pray for Ethan and Naomi- which is just so sweet. So she prayed to God that we'd have a good
day and that they'd be good.

So, oblivious to this myself, we started our day and all was going smoothly. No timeouts, no major problems. I even commented to Ethan that it was a great day!

This afternoon, Christal told me over Facebook about Val's prayer and asked how the day was going... I just smiled and said, "Thanks God!" And told Christal that Val's prayer had worked and asked, "Can you say that prayer every morning please??!"

We laughed and agreed- every morning, we're praying that one another's kids are good and that we all have a good day! Anyone else want to join the prayer circle? :)

1 comment:

Gail P Smith said...

Hi Shannon,
I got a lump in my throat just reading your post today. You'll have to go on my blog to read the whole story and understand why, but the last line of it says something like "Wouldn't it be wonderful to see thousands of answered prayers all over the blog-o-sphere!?!" So it was sooo cool to see your post today.
Christal informs me no one knows I have a blog (it is a bit lame) but I think if you type in grammygail you'll find it. If not, let me know!
Praying for and loving those kidlets!