Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fun in the Sun!

I am just LOVING this weather!
It's perfect... high 30's, sunny, melting snow, large puddles. What else could a kid (or parent) ask for? Ethan was more than happy to join me and Naomi on a walk today. We put on boots (Naomi has inherited Ethan's old rainboots!) and set out. Puddles, snow-packed hills for Ethan to climb. Bridges to cross, snow to eat... it was exactly what we needed. A little 'fun in the sun!' Seriously... I've been feeling the Spring-fever, so I was thankful for an hour outside. We came home with soggy, dripping wet boots (oh well!), soaked mittens (already washed and dried by the way!), wet knees & bums, and rosey cheeks. But, we were happy! We'd laughed, run, slipped, and enjoyed being together. These are the moments that I cherish with my loves. Thank you God for sunny days and snow!
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1 comment:

stacey said...

Wow! Another blog post?! Cute pics! I think I'm going to take the kids out this afternoon and do the same thing! PS...love that coat on Naomi!